David Vargas (@dvargas92495), the creator of RoamJS, has done it again. We can now do a whole lot more with YouTube embeds inside of @RoamResearch: Timestamps and looping sections! Here’s a quick demo.

I’m sure Roamans will enjoy the ability to take notes at specific timestamps in a video or YouTube-uploaded podcast, but to me that’s not the most game-changing part…

Roam/YouTube just became the best music practice notebook ever.

You can collect songs and lessons and pick very specific in- and out-points and then loop them, slowed down if you want.

This makes Roam the best tool in existence for breaking a song into measures and really zeroing in on the sections that are giving you trouble (practice).

I also love the timestamps for the ability to collect scenes and shots from movies. It could also be a great tool for B-roll collection for documentary.

Language/dialect-learning, any kind of action or skill that would benefit from repetition.

I’m already building some fingerstyle guitar practice sessions in Roam, and it’s amazing to be able to add another part of my life that’s important to me into this system, in a no-compromise way. In fact, there has never been a practice tool this good that is this easy to use.

One plug for David at RoamJS. It is shameful that every member of the Roam community hasn’t thrown hundred dollar bills at this man. He is making life better for all of us every day.

Head over to Roam and contribute/buy something, foreal.

This is also where you get this Video plugin (for free) so you can do these incredibly useful things with YouTube videos inside Roam.